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1055 News
Striking oil workers, Shell to resume talks on Wed - Wednesday, March 04, 2015
The United Steelworkers union, representing 30,000 oil workers in contract talks, will resume negotiations next week with Royal Dutch Shell Plc, prolonging the biggest refinery strike in 35 years.
Now is the Time to Speak Out - Friday, February 13, 2015
Fast Track is a set of rules that speeds massive trade deals through Congress without changes. No deal – no matter how bad – has ever been stopped under Fast Track rules. Make sure you’re informed and that each and every Steelworker knows just how bad Fast Track could be. Please share this InfoAlert in your workplace, talk to your members and speak out!
Spreading Oil Worker Strike Biggest in U.S. in 35 Years - Tuesday, February 10, 2015
More than 5,400 workers at 11 oil refineries from the West Coast to the Midwest have walked off the job to protest what they say are unfair labor practices and dangerous working conditions.
Oil workers begin largest strike since 1980 - Tuesday, February 03, 2015
Some 3,800 union oil workers began Feb. 1 their largest strike since 1980. The United Steelworkers Union called for its refinery workers to stage their walkout after negotiations with Shell Oil Co. broke down less than two weeks after they began.
U.S. ruling on Chinese tire imports goes into effect - Friday, January 30, 2015
Good read. As you read this remember the USW filed this trade case and fought for our brothers and sisters in the tire industry. Along with your help thru the Rapid Response Action Call we were successful. Thanks for all you do.
Local 1055 Blogs
Free Tax Assistance
United Way VITA site
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
On September the 1st , I'am going to Retire
Good Friday / Easter Holiday
Why does the 8-hr. shifts celebrate Good Friday as a Holiday and 12-hr. shifts celebrate Easter as a Hoilday? Traditionally,the 8-hr. shifts observed Good Friday as a Hoilday because they were off on Sunday ...then in July 1992 we went to 12-hr. shifts and some members decided they perferd Easter off instead of Good Friday. This action would interfere with the Annual Good Friday Fishing Tournament which was a "huge tradtion" with many members.
Hello Sisters and Brothers,
Hope everyone has made it with out damage from the storms. I'm doing good with my L-Knee this will be 6weeks Wed. and I see the Dr. , hope to be back at Union Hall soon.
Brother Lou
Out Of Office
My Doctor is back and ready to do my left knee re-placement sch. for Wed March the 9th . I will have my lap top at home and stay in contact with everyone at the Union Hall.
USW Media Center
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AFL-CIO Now Blog
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