1055 Blogs
Free Tax Assistance
United Way VITA site
See also: Pension and Insurance
Dear Sisters and Brothers, On September the 1st , I'am going to Retire
See also: President
Good Friday / Easter Holiday
Why does the 8-hr. shifts celebrate Good Friday as a Holiday and 12-hr. shifts celebrate Easter as a Hoilday? Traditionally,the 8-hr. shifts observed Good Friday as a Hoilday because they were off on Sunday ...then in July 1992 we went to 12-hr. shifts and some members decided they perferd Easter off instead of Good Friday. This action would interfere with the Annual Good Friday Fishing Tournament which was a "huge tradtion" with many members.
See also: Vice President
Hello Sisters and Brothers, Hope everyone has made it with out damage from the storms. I'm doing good with my L-Knee this will be 6weeks Wed. and I see the Dr. , hope to be back at Union Hall soon. Brother Lou
See also: President
Out Of Office
My Doctor is back and ready to do my left knee re-placement sch. for Wed March the 9th . I will have my lap top at home and stay in contact with everyone at the Union Hall. Lou
See also: President
Happy New Year !
Hello to all hope everyone had a good holiday .
See also: President
Left Knee Replacement
Well , I don't know when I will get the left knee replaced . I got a call and my Dr. fell off a ladder. I will let everyone know when it will be scheduled . Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving . Brother Lou
See also: President
Right Knee
Today I have returned to work at the UNION Hall . My right knee is doing very well and going to have my left knee replaced on Dec. the 1st . Hope it goes as good as the right. I will let everyone know. Thanks Lou
See also: President
On the 8th of Sept. I had my right replaced at Centennial Hospital (Nash. ) . Dr. Chenger said that he had a lot of beating and banging, I had the bruises to show from that. Today is 19th day and I'am doing real good walking with cane going to PT 5 days a week for first 2 weeks, start Mon. 3days a week. My left knee needs replacing as soon as the (R) is healed I'am going to have it done. I hope everyone is doing well, and as always you can reach me on cell or e-mail. Brother Lou
See also: President
The UNION critic
From the desk of Pension and Insurance
See also: Pension and Insurance
Other Blogs :
President | Vice President | Recording Secretary | Pension and Insurance | Safety |
Time Study | Happy New Year ! | Left Knee |