Workers Memorial
The American Worker Will Continue To Grow With The Nation.
Thanks To The Brothers And Sisters Such As These Who Dedicated Themselves Working And Striving For A Better Tomorrow.
Joe Adkins |
Jim Advey |
Shirley Alexander |
Charles Allen |
Dana Allen |
Mike Anderson |
Fred Arnold |
Robert "Worm" Ashley |
Mark Ayers |
James Baranuk |
Leroy Baxter |
Ida Norene Bell |
Ed Berry |
A G Blackman |
Kathy Bohanan |
Danny Boone |
Jimmy Brandon |
Ken Braswell |
Wayne Bridges |
Paul Brown |
John Bryant |
Tom Bryant |
Paul Buck |
James Bucy |
Larry Buford |
Willie Buford |
Wayne Burns |
Paul Byrns |
James Caldwell |
Jimmy Cantrell |
Charles Cantrell |
Tony Carpenter |
Archie Carver |
Elvis Case |
Phiou Chanthaloth |
Donnie Chick |
Barry Clark |
Ray Clark |
Joseph W. Cooper |
Faye Corbitt |
James Cox |
James Crouse |
Ernest Crowder |
Kenneth Crutcher |
Sam Dallas |
Raymond Dayvolt |
Ray Desmarius |
Wayne Dotson |
Ronald Dutton |
Dorris Dye |
Floyd Eady |
Bobby Eakes |
Jim Eanes |
Mary Brooks Eidson |
Roger Elkins |
Booker T. Ellis |
Helen Ferrell |
Thomas Fetters |
E. V. Fisher |
Donnie Fitch |
Max Flemming |
Beverly Ann Fowler |
Roy Gannon |
Andrew Garrett |
Leonard Gentry |
Paul Gilbert |
Curtis Gordon |
Billy Granstaff |
Thomas Graves |
Leo Green |
David Griesinger |
Jake Halfacre |
Brady Halliburton |
Charles Hambrick |
Wallace Hamlett |
Marvin Harris |
Gene Harris |
Bill Harvey |
William Hassell |
Ricky Hassell |
David Hatcher |
Ron Henderson |
Richard Henderson |
Richard Henderson |
Billy Hibdon |
Ron Holder |
Carl Holmes |
Ephriam Hoover |
Jack Hopkins |
William Houser |
Cliff Howard |
David Hunt |
John Hynek |
Harold Jacobus |
Bobby Jennings |
Earnestine Jewell |
Raybon Johnson |
Tom Jones |
J T Jones |
L C Judd |
Ronald King |
Sid Kinsinger |
John Knight |
Robert Koudelka |
Art Lawson |
M. L. Lemons |
Bob Leonard |
Eugene Leonardi |
James Lile |
James Limbaugh |
Ray Logue |
Donnie Lovell |
Carl Magnesen |
Victor Mahaffey |
Vicky Markum |
Wallace Martin |
James McPheron |
James McPherson |
Johnny Mercer |
George Merrell Jr. |
John Meyer |
John W Millican |
Windle Moon |
Robert "Big Moe" Moore |
Hugh Moss |
Angela Murray |
Barry Nafe |
Jessie Odom |
Rita Osborne |
Al Overstreet |
AL Overstreet |
Joe Pennington |
Ludwald Perry |
Dean Petty |
Kenny "Buck" Phillips |
Allen Phillips |
Ed Pitts |
Billy Porter |
Mike Potts |
David Powers |
Doug Pratt |
Clyde Priddy |
Thomas Pride |
Nathaniel Pride |
Duane Ragland |
Glen Rauschenberger |
Roger Ray |
Charles Reasonover |
Judy Reed |
Bill Reeder |
Don Reeder |
Leonard Reeves |
Lewis Richardson |
Larry Rigsby |
T. J. Rigsby |
Laura Ritter |
Charles Robinson |
Charles "Luke" Rooker |
Gladys Rorbetson |
Pete Russell |
Wayne Russell |
William Sanford |
Fred Scheibel |
Granville Seiner |
Leonard Shannon |
Patricia Sherrill |
Dallas Sircy |
Carl Sissom |
Andrew Smith |
Larry Smith |
Len Solomon |
Richard Sparks |
Bill Speight |
Robert Spencer |
Stanley Springer |
Donald Steading |
Louis Stephenson |
Norman Stunich |
Tom Sweeney |
Ronnie Joe Taylor |
Abner Taylor |
Arthur Taylor |
Annie Taylor |
Charles Thaxton |
Arnold Thielke |
Billy Thompson |
Kerry Thompson |
Duncan "Doc" Ullom |
Roy Underwood |
Thurman Van Winkle |
Beacher Vance |
Claude Vaughn |
Jack Wade |
Carl Walker |
Ralph Waller |
Bill Watson |
Glen Weatherford |
Tom Webb |
Clarence "Bubba" Wheeler Sr. |
Ray Wierbowski |
Rene Wilemin |
Stephen Wilkerson |
Phillip Winfrey |
Mildred Winfrey |
David Winnett |
Clarence Woodruff |
Giles Woods |
Arnold Wright |
Tommy Wright |